Frequently Ask Questions

If you have any questions about Texas Parent PAC, please email, and a volunteer will respond to you.
Join Texas Parent PAC and our record of success! Please make a contribution here or send a check to Texas Parent PAC, P.O. Box 303010, Austin, TX 78703-005
Here are answers to frequently asked questions:
- Texas Parent PAC is a respected political action committee for parents, grandparents, parents-to-be, and anyone who supports high quality public education.
- It was founded in 2005 by five “PTA moms” who were frustrated with the Texas Legislature and believed we needed more state representatives and senators who would stand up for kids and public schools.
- More than 1,700 families have contributed to Texas Parent PAC, and donations of all sizes are needed.
- About 60 parents are involved in researching and interviewing candidates in each election cycle. Final decisions on endorsements are made by an eight-member Board of Directors.
- Financial information about the PAC’s contributions and expenditures is available online at the Texas Ethics Commission website under “Search Campaign Finance and Lobby Reports” by a “Simple Search” of Filer ID No. 57682, a General Purpose Political Committee.
- About 95 percent of funds contributed to Texas Parent PAC are spent in support of campaigns. The PAC has low operating overhead, with no headquarters office and no salaried staff. Board of Directors members volunteer their time to provide day-to-day leadership, and parent volunteers help with campaigns and fundraising. As needed, the PAC contracts with professionals having specialized skills to accomplish specific tasks.
- Endorsed candidates reflect values that honor and support quality public education, strong communities, unlimited opportunities, and maximum citizen participation in our democracy. All endorsed candidates support the Texas Parent PAC Guiding Principles.
- Texas Parent PAC endorsement process can be found at: Endorsement Process.
- Texas Parent PAC does not believe public education is a partisan issue. The PAC makes contributions to Republican and Democratic candidates, men and women, who are committed to strengthening Texas public schools. We seek to elect state legislators who listen to parents and can be counted on to consistently vote in the interest of children!